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  • terry

    Can i get a Job in China as a foreighner?

    As a business management graduate, how can i use my skills and experience in China?
    9 years agoin Business & Jobs-All
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • vidor
    My inside sources tell me you can get a job in Beijing. Just go to the Communist Party HQ, and tell them "ROFL-MAO" sent you to do a complete audit. Be sure to also tell them that you have business management skillz and leet experience inwhich you pwn people.
    9 years ago
  • leeshaw

    If you were a foreigner, your question would have been "Can I get a job in China?"

    As a Chinese person, you must add the "as a foreigner..." part.

    In answer to your question: It is difficult for useless, dishonest, spotty-faced internet lounge dwellers to get jobs in China. Or elsewhere.

    9 years ago
  • nikiki

    Is 'foreighner' actually a job in this country???

    Normally, in most other countries, the answer is 'no'... but here I'm not so sure!

    9 years ago
  • driye
    not if you are Chinese surprise
    9 years ago
  • akash
    What do you have to offer for skills and experience? You can treat this as a rhetorical question of which to consider over the course of several days. Do research on companies and their needs and try to position yourself and your resume in a way that can address those things. Also make some friends.
    9 years ago

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